Saturday, December 25, 2010

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?

In this modern and fast-paced world, it has become evident that it is necessary for people, cultures and governments to strive for globalisation in order to develop a harmonious international environment. Yet, globalisation has its implications, namely that since our world will deviate from nationalism and self-interest there will be a loss of culture. Furthermore, because countries are aiming to compete/level up to the standards imposed by the west, particularly America, and because the English language is commonly associated with the creation of a global environment, many believe that westernization equals globalisation.

Personally, I believe that society should enlighten and try to create equilibrium between 'uncivilized' societies and 'civilized' ones. Nevertheless, this should be done in a way that the original culture can be preserved instead of replaced. In the past, the way that 'civilized' cultures attempted to modernize and upbring other's was through replacing the already existing culture with that of their own. For instance, Native Americans in the United States were the aborigines of the land and legitimate 'Americans'. As Europeans began colonizing the 'New World', they replaced the Native American cultures with that of their own through displacement, discrimination and death. Their culture has been diminished to such an extent that today only 0.8% of the population of the United States are Native or Alaskan Americans. Similar situations have existed throughout history and continue to exist today with ideas such as ethnic 'cleansing' and racial superiority.

For these reasons, I believe that the work of NGOs, whether promoting a religion or providing humanitarian aid, are the best way to ensure that the culture of a civilization can remain unchanged while still providing the advantages of the 'civilized' culture. No culture deserves to be exterminated or undermined by others. In spite of there being cultures that are more influential than others, it certainly does not mean that they are superior.

“Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?” - Ernest Gaines

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carlos,
    Great post, it was very statistical and information. I do concur in the fact that the original "uncivilized" cultures should still preserve their traditions and other aspects of their culture. However, what can we truly call uncivilized? because we standardize the concept of civilization around our society, i believe it is somewhat unfair to group cultures such as the Sawi culture as uncivilized. What do you think about this? Your post seems to fully answer the question but I was merely wondering more about what you thought related to this question.

    -Ryan Park
